One of the most important aspects for Couples Life is to have Children. Yet for someone this could be struggle associate with very negative experience. pain and desperation. Yet you do not need to live a life like that or even to feel that way. Call us today to find how we can help you?


Infertility is medically defined as the inability to conceive after 12 months of trying. 40 percent of infertility problems stem from the male and 60 percent from the female.

For women the most common causes of infertility are ovulatory failure or defect, blocked fallopian tubes, endometriosis and uterine fibroids. Some women develop antibodies to their partners sperm.

For man the causes of infertility are low sperm count, sperm abnormalities, and over-consumption of alcohol, smoking, stress, endocrine disorders, exposures to toxins, excessive heat, recent acute illness, and heavy toxic metals.

It is important to mention here that Infertility is not sterility, since many couples conceive after the 1-year mark. While in case of sterility the couples can’t have babies at all.

Pre-conception and Pregnancy

Preconception is the single most important step for couples that are considering or planning to have a baby. Preconception and prenatal care can be seen as the ultimate form of preventative medicine. This belief is due to great understanding of how a foetus’s time in utero can influence their susceptibility to future disease.

Over exposure of the foetus to stress, bad nutrition, toxins, and obesity has been shown to play a role in the development of many common chronic diseases. The advancing of epigenetic science research has led to believe that the environmental stressor has the power to impact on the epigenetic programming or structural modifications to genes that don’t change the DNA, but rather change the way it is expressed.

So if during the pregnancy the mother is exposed to many types of toxins, bad nutrition or stress this will send the signal to the foetus DNA to up-regulate or down-regulate certain genes. This allows the foetus to prepare for this new external environment and be ready for a world that is full of toxins, lack of nutrition and prone to high environmental stress.

In short, the chances to end with a healthy baby or a child prone to disease is in the hands of the parents.

Pre-conception and Pregnancy Programs

There is a growing body of evidence suggesting a perinatal nutrient deficiency is associated with issues such as neural tube defects, anaemia, low birth weight as well as an increased risk to diseases later in life. So, it is absolutely essential that both men and women work together to ensure that they reduce any factors which can adversely affect their child. Pregnant women also need to ensure that they receive the best nutrition and care. This benefits the baby and themselves.

Tony’s program will cover all the necessary steps before, during and after pregnancy, so that the risk health factors are minimized and the chances to have a healthier baby are high.

How we can Support you with your Journey?

Tony’s unique support program focus on these key elements

  • Providing a very balanced diet to be discussed in great details
  • Adapting moderate carbohydrates, moderate proteins especially the ones high in omega 3 and omega 6 (especially GLA) diet
  • Avoid hydrogenated oils, margarine and other shortening oils
  • Super foods high in anti-oxidants and low in sugar
  • Best quality of fibre to reduce toxic load and detox bad estrogens and other hormones in the colon and support immune balance
  • Best types of relaxing exercise, gentle types of exercise that produce low inflammation and increase blood circulation and oxygen
  • Specific Supplements to balance the inner health Status of minerals, vitamins, omega 3 and the immune systems
  • Improve Patient quality for sleeping, a very important factor!
  • Recommending Minerals and Heavy Metals Analysis test to find the levels of these dangerous toxic metals such Mercury and the Status of your minerals and vitamins levels.

This can only be achieved by using true holistic and scientific approaches. Supported by the latest scientific research, specific clinical tests and specific blood tests done by your doctor, combined with the best of diet, exercise and supplements.

If you have any question about Female Infertility Preconception and Pregnancy, feel free to call Tony today at 0412244677 or Book A Free Consultation

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    Erin-Beth Johns
    Erin-Beth Johns
    I have seen Tony for various health concerns over the last 12 years. Tony really knows his stuff and genuinely wants to help. He explains everything so you understand and if you follow his plan there are so many health benefits and you end up feeling great. Tony has helped me get my health on track, lose weight and conceive after years of infertility. I would recommend him to anyone in need of naturopath or nutritionist.
    Mina Shenouda
    Mina Shenouda
    I have been seeing a lot of nutritionists but Tony is the best one of them, he really knows his field very well and teaches you everything you need to know, keep up the work mate.
    Vicki d
    Vicki d
    If you want to understand your body and get it working with you , Tony is a great Naturopath. He has taught me techniques and ways to deal with my migraines 3 years on.
    Vivi M
    Vivi M
    Great experience. Tony is knowledgeable and guides you gently on the journey to better health.
    Frank Dunn
    Frank Dunn
    I have been seeing Tony with my Family for almost a Decade now. Tony is vey Professional and Friendly. He had helped us with dieting, exercising and prescribing the right supplements and super foods. I highly recommend Tony to anyone who had no success in treating his or her conditions or disease in the past.
    Phillip Mattiello
    Phillip Mattiello
    My family has been treated by Tony for several years. This time I fell seriously ill and was a wake up call for me. I chose the natural alternative path and would highly recommend, as Tony has great insights how the whole body works and treatment requited in a holistic way.
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