Health and Food offers a wide range of Services that cover most Diseases and the Science behind the Optimal Health. Health and Food is the only Service in Sydney that cover Both Disease and Wellbeing the Anti-aging and Diet Programs and the Science Behind Exercise and Sport Nutrition.

1. Weight Loss Program:

Weight Loss Program

Focus on educate the patient the important of Fat Loss rather than Weight Loss. These are done through the Diet, the Exercise, the Stress Management and a Balanced Life Style.

2. Female Conception and Pregnancy:

Female Infertility Pre-conception and Pregnancy

One of most important aspect of life for a Couple is to have Babies. Unfortunately for some people this can be hard to achieve. Find out in how Tony can help you to improve your health conditions especially if you are suffering from PCOS (Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome) Endometriosis or other Female Diseases.

3. Men’s Health and Sexual-dysfunctions:

Men’s Health and Sexual-dysfunctions

One is the most difficult problem any male can face in his life is Libido problem. This does not only affect the Man life, but also his Partner. If you suffering from any type of Sexual Dysfunction call Tony or Book a Free Consultation.

4. Children Health:

Children Health

Every family love to see their Children grow healthy and vibrant, but some times if your child is suffering from any kind of disease, this will start to impact of his or her behaviour at home and School, Studying and Sport Performance. Call us today and find how we can help your child.

5. Digestive Disorders and Diseases:

Digestive Disordersand Diseases

Many people suffer from Digestive Disorders or Gut Diseases. Some of them can be very debilitating or very uncomfortable. So if you have any problem in your Gut, do not leave it to become worse. Call Tony Today and Find how we can help you?

6. Cholesterol And Heart Diseases:

Cholesterol And Heart Diseases

Fifty Percent of Death is caused from heart diseases. So, if you have today an Elevated high level of Cholesterol, High Triglyceride, HbA1c, High Blood pressure or High Blood Glucose or Insulin Resistance, then do not leave that until your Symptoms or Heart conditions worsen. Call Tony or Book an appointment and find how we can help you.

7. Diabetes and Its Complication:

Diabetes and Its Complication

Did you know that Diabetes Disease can increase your risk of Cancer, Heart Diseases. The reason for that because an Elevation of Blood Glucose can affect the Heart, Blood Vessels and Oxidative Stress caused by Free Radicals that can impact on the DNA Stability and Integrity. If you need to know more or find out more call us on 04122440677 or Book a Free Consultation.

8. Cancer Support and Prevention:

Cancer Support and Prevention

Cancer Disease is the most Feared Disease. Most people believe once they Get Cancer that is the End of their Life, but is that true? If you want to find the right answer, then call us on 0412244-677 and have a Free 15 minutes consultation.

9. Anti-Aging and Diet Programs:

Anti-Aging and Diet Programs

Created by Tony to educate about what are the Secrets of a Healthy Long Living Life and how Diet and Supper Food can play a big Roll in that?

10. Detox Programs:

Detox Programs

Did you know that all diseases start with Toxins accumulation inside the Body. Detox Programs help you to clean inside your Body and help DNA repairing the Cells Damages. Tony Strongly recommend anyone to do once per year at least 4 weeks of detox program to removed toxins and restore the Gut Flora in the Gut.

11. The Science Behind Exercise and Sport Nutrition:

The Science Behind Exercise and Sport Nutrition

If you worry about your future Health Status, or you like to keep feeling younger, then Tony offers different programs to suit every one looking to live Healthier Life.

12. Musculoskeletal Disorders and Other Diseases:

Musculoskeletal Disorders and Other Diseases

If you suffering from Arthritis, Thyroid Diseases, Psoriasis, Fatty Liver, Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia or any other Disease, then give Tony a call on 0412244-677 and have 15 minutes a Free Consultation and find out how we can help you to improve your conditions.

Book Your Free Initial Consultation!

Get back on track by booking in a free consultation with one of our fully trained & qualified naturopath professionals!

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    Erin-Beth Johns
    Erin-Beth Johns
    I have seen Tony for various health concerns over the last 12 years. Tony really knows his stuff and genuinely wants to help. He explains everything so you understand and if you follow his plan there are so many health benefits and you end up feeling great. Tony has helped me get my health on track, lose weight and conceive after years of infertility. I would recommend him to anyone in need of naturopath or nutritionist.
    Mina Shenouda
    Mina Shenouda
    I have been seeing a lot of nutritionists but Tony is the best one of them, he really knows his field very well and teaches you everything you need to know, keep up the work mate.
    Vicki d
    Vicki d
    If you want to understand your body and get it working with you , Tony is a great Naturopath. He has taught me techniques and ways to deal with my migraines 3 years on.
    Vivi M
    Vivi M
    Great experience. Tony is knowledgeable and guides you gently on the journey to better health.
    Frank Dunn
    Frank Dunn
    I have been seeing Tony with my Family for almost a Decade now. Tony is vey Professional and Friendly. He had helped us with dieting, exercising and prescribing the right supplements and super foods. I highly recommend Tony to anyone who had no success in treating his or her conditions or disease in the past.
    Phillip Mattiello
    Phillip Mattiello
    My family has been treated by Tony for several years. This time I fell seriously ill and was a wake up call for me. I chose the natural alternative path and would highly recommend, as Tony has great insights how the whole body works and treatment requited in a holistic way.
    From the Blog
    Blog Are we losing the Battle against Diseases? Part 1